Get in touch

Laus Tibi Christe Vila, Umuahia

+234 916 713 8002

01Who we are

Heart2Build Youth Development Initiative – H2BYDI is a not-for-profit organization. Through our outstanding evidence-based services and programs, we seek to mobilize and support opportunities for young Nigerians to be equipped with enterprise skills they need to prevail in adversities, build optimism and confidence to not only cope but thrive in life.

The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something

Tony Olson

Our culture at Heart2Build Youth Development Initiative-H2BYDI is grounded in the understanding that “we are all in this together.” We act ethically and with integrity. We serve as role models by prioritizing fairness and respect. We always look out for one another and lead the way in fostering a better and more prosperous Nigeria.
As a non-denominational and not-for-profit organization, we seek to engage with a collaborative mindset, leveraging the skill sets of people from every walk of life to make tangible and measurable impacts in the life of young Nigerians. And our successes are measured not by mere metrics, but by the quality of the collaborations we build, and the range of the innovative services we deliver to make a difference in the life of every Nigerian youth.

Living and working in a nation with varied cultures, religions, and
languages, we strive to embrace diversity and foster an inclusive
culture in all ramifications. We are committed to empowering all
young Nigerians to grow and achieve their goals, amplifying
diversity in leadership, and building a more cohesive and conducive
environment for our young people to thrive.


Our Focus

Our vision is to inspire young Nigerians within the ages of 16-35 to choose their paths and change their future. Together with our partners in the communities, we strive to embrace and celebrate young Nigerians from all backgrounds and offer programs and services that provide our young people with the requisite skills they need to set achievable goals and build a positive future. We deliver a range of support and services for young Nigerians. These include seminars, one-to-one coaching, peer mentoring, employment programs and life-skills, community and cooperate engagements, among other services.

At the heart of everything we do is our pride values, which serve as the basis for our targeted programs and services, enabling us to completely transform the mindset of young Nigerians and deliver impacts where they matter most.